Belle Green

Fun & Learning

Find fun activities and games, answers to common parenting questions and concerns, book updates, and free stories and poems here!

Mommy, you look like an octopus He said without being a sourpuss Because I was carrying everything He insisted we bring At least he didn’t call me a platypus!

Mirror, Mirror in the Star   I saw a golden star one night Gleaming with peace and grace. Its glow was warm and oh so bright I reached up toward its place.   It was too far for me to touch So I snuggled deep down in bed. I wanted …

  Do you have a big, tough job? Call Robot Dave and Robot Bob! They can fix that broken rocket They can even mend a hole in your pocket!   Do you need to fix a road? Do not call the Robot Toad! Call Robot Bob and Robot Dave They …

Thanks for visiting my site! My first children’s book, I Am Good in My Heart, is in the works. I’ll announce it here when it is complete! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton